Dark Chocolate Bantu Sembuhkan Sirosis Hati

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jenis coklat pekat atau biasa disebut dark chocolate bisa dijadikan sebagai obat penawar penyakit sirosis hati. Kesimpulan ini didapat dari hasil penelitian tentang manfaat coklat bagi kesehatan yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari Spanyol. Siroris...
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10 Security Issues Business Inhibitors

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Entering the third month this year 2010, Symantec started to see some 2010 security predictions come true. In the early decades of this new, cyber criminals continue to seek new ways to attack and the sophisticated consumer and enterprise. Here...
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Intel Select Five Delegation From Indonesia

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Indonesian Intel has just appointed a five person delegation to be sent to San Jose, California (United States), the month of May. Altogether still works as a high school student. For what?  Apparently the five students will participate in the world's...
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