Setting Blog On Blogger

Monday, July 18, 2011

The first important thing you do to your blog in blogger has a good performance is to do some setting or settings. As an inspiration of how to do the settings in blogger blog, write the following column tutorial on how bloggers blog settings (make sure you (make sure you choose Indonesian to fit the tutorial below):

* Please login to blogger with your ID.

* Click on Settings.


Some settings in the Basic menu:
  • Blog Tool: Import blog → is faslitas to import data from your computer (this is usually done when the transfer is the blog) do not have the clicks, leave it alone. Export blog> this is the facility to export data from the server blogger blogs to your computer. This facility is also known as blogs Backup facility. It is recommended that you back up data to your computer, at least once a week. Data backup at any time can be useful when you want to transfer to other blogs on blogger, or it could be to migrate to another blog engine like Wordpress. Delete blog> Facility to delete your blog. If you do not intend to delete the blog, then do occasionally click on this link.

  •     Title: fill in the blog title that you want. Example: My personal blog
  •     Description: a description of the contents of the blog you want to display, this should be filled not emptied. Example: my little note that is unique.
  •     Add your blog to our list? : Advisable to select the Yes option.
  •     Let search engines find your blog? : Select Yes, so you can blog in the index by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing.
  •     Show Quick Editing on your Blog? : May select Yes or No.
  •     Show Email Post Links? : This icon of the email, if you want your blog visitors to easily send emails to their friends about your blog, then Select Yes. But if not, please select No.
  •     Adult Content? : If your blog will contain things such as adult besifat featuring articles, pictures, or videos sexy women, etc. then select Yes. However, if your blog contains things that are safely accessible by a child, select No. For the record, if you select the Yes option, then later when accessed your blog will be no warning that contain adult content.
  •     Select the entry editor: This is the choice for the post editor. Editors are updated → latest post editor is owned by bloggers, many new facilities are integrated in the post editor is like the More button to cut out the article on your blog. Editors old → old post editor is owned by bloggers, but still you can use, there are several toolbars contained in the old post editor, but is not available anymore in the new post editor, so please choose which one you want. Hide modes this option → special preparation for those who are proficient with HTML code, if you have not mastered about HTML, do not use this editor post.
  •     Enable transliteration? : Select Enable if you want to support the post editor into translational Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, or Telugu. Select Disable if you do not want to post editor there is language translation.
  •     End the Basic menu settings with the click SAVE SETTINGS.


This is a facility to change your domain name in blogger with your own domain name. For example: be

For the time being do not do anything on the menu is published. Tutorial on custom domain on blogger you can read the article How Custom Domains in Blogger.


Some settings in the Format menu:

  •     Show as much as possible: write the number of posts to appear on the front page of your blog. Example: 5. For dropdown selection is advisable to choose the post option, not days.
  •     Date Header Format: Select the date format that you like.
  •     Archive Index Date Format: select the display format you want archived.
  •     Timestamp Format: Select the clock display format that you like. Hours here are the notes of time when your article is published on the blog.
  •     Time Zone: Sesuikan with the time zone where your place is located.
  •     Language: Select the language used for your blog.
  •     Convert line: this is the facility line breaks automatically when you click enter when making a post. The facility is in use if your future will not post about the code such as HTML and others. Select No, if you intend later will insert the HTML code into your post post, for example if your content contains tutorials HTML language, PHP and others.
  •     Show Field Titles: Select Yes or No is also no problem.
  •     Show columns Links: Select No or Yes is also no problem.
  •     Enable float alignment: Select Yes, this is so that the image can be adjusted its position in the post. However, if these options will disrupt the viewing of your blog, just select No.
  •     Template entry: This is a facility for the contents of the Template This entry will always appear at the time of making a post. Usually this facility is often used for signatures blog, writing or signature code that is stored in a template entry, so that when you make a post, signature code will automatically appear without having to write over and over again.
  •     End the Format menu settings with the click SAVE SETTINGS


Some settings in the menus Comments:

  •     Comment: Select the Show, if you want to post there can be commented by the visitors. Select Hide if you post articles that do not want to be commented by the visitors.
  •     Who Can Commenting? : Anyone - includes Anonymous Users → to this option, then anyone can comment, including anonymous users or without a clear identity. Registered users - including OpenID → only registered users who can comment on your article, which includes Registered Users are those who has an account in Google, Live Journal, WordPress, Type pad, AIM, and OpenID. Users with Google Accounts → All I can comment only those who have a google account. Only members of this blog → Only members of your blog who can comment, this is usually used if your blog is for certain communities, eg education community.
  •     Comment Form Placement: full page → blog page you will be override by the comments box when visitors click the comment link. → comment popup box will appear in a new window when there are visitors who click on the comment link. Embeddable under entry → comment box will automatically be displayed directly below the article to your post, so visitors can immediately giving out comments without having to click the comment link. Format comments box of the most widely preferred by the blogger is embeddable below posts.
  •   Comments Default for Posts: select the new entry has a comment if you want to post any article comments box, but any time you can just turn off this function when posting. Select the new entry does not have an article post a comment if you do not want to have the comment box, but any time you could bring this function when posting.
  •    Backlink: Select Show if you want to display links to websites that make the link to the article that you created. Select Hide if you do not want to display links to websites that make the link to the article that you created.
  •   Congenital backlink for Posts: select the new entry has Tautbalik if every post has an article on Backlinks. Select the new entry does not have Tautbalik if every article in the post do not want to have backlinks.
  •     Comments Timestamp Format: select the date format that you like comments.
  •     Comment Form Message: Write message you want to appear above the comment box. For example: Please comment, but still maintain modesty by not doing comment spam.
  •     Comment moderation: Select Always if you want to enter any comments in moderation in advance by you. Choose Only on posts older than if the comments in moderation prior to posting terhadapat of an age you specify. Select Never, if the incoming comments in moderation does not want to advance and your blog will appear immediately. Do not forget to include your email address, when someone commented when you will know by email. Or empty it if you do not want to receive email notification of comments.
  •     Show word verification for comments? : Select Yes if you want to display the verification letters when someone commented, this option is to prevent against spam robots script that can bombard your blog with comments, although this option has the disadvantage that your blog visitors are usually reluctant to comment because it was complicated when commenting. Select Yes if you do not want to display the letters of verification, this option is less susceptible to spam robots script, but normally visitors will prefer to comment because it is easy to do.
  •     Show profile images on comments? : Select Yes if you want to display images in kometar profile comment. Select No if you do not want to display the poster image profile comments.
  •     Email Notification Comments: Enter the email address you want to send notification when someone commented. The maximum number of email that can receive is 10 emails.
  •     End the comment with the settings menu click SAVE SETTINGS button.


Some settings in the Archive menu:

  •     Archive Frequency: select the files that you want to show whether the Archive does not exist, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. It is recommended to select Monthly.
  •     Enable Post Pages? : Please select Yes or No.
  •     End the Archive menu settings with the click SAVE SETTINGS.

Site Feed

Some settings in the menu Site Feed:
  •     Allow Blog Feeds: Please select None, Brief, or Full. It is recommended to select the Full option.
  •     Post Feed URL Changing Directions: fill in your own feed address, this is if you have done such a burner feed feedburner. But if you do not have, please empty it first. For a discussion of feed burner will be posted in the next post.
  •     Post Feed Footer: Fill in the code that wants to look at the post feed footer. If you have not understood just emptied first.
  •     End the Site Feed settings menu with the click SAVE SETTINGS.

Email & Mobile

To post an article into your blog, not only through the post editor in blogger. However, you can also post articles via email or your mobile device.

Some settings in the menu Email & Mobile:

  • Address BlogSend: write an email address that you want to send notifications when you publish an article. Maximum amount that can send is up to 10 pieces of mail, the format of writing emails separated by commas (,).

  • Posting via Email Address: set up an email address sends bloggers to post from email or mobile device by writing on the box provided. Suppose your email address is then you can create email bloggers become @ or @ or whatever you think is good. But remember, keep this email address so that others can not post to your blog

Mailing address via email :To enable this feature, you must select the option Publish emails immediately, meaning that if you send an email to the address above, it will be directly posted to blogs. If this option is selected Save the email as the entry draft, then the email sent will not be immediately published, but will go to the post concept.

However, if you do not want to publish via email, select the option Disabled. This function is also chosen with a lot of security reasons.

Do not forget to end the menu settings Email & Mobile with the click SAVE SETTINGS.


Here no one should be set, but notice that your blog address can be used as an OpenID address. What is OpenID? Maybe next time will be discussed.


In this menu you can add the author by the invite to the email that you think is worthy to join the author in your blog.

In Who can see this blog? You can choose who can access your blog. Those options mean your blog is open to the public or can be opened by anyone. Only people I choose the only people in the law by which you can access your blog by logging in first. Only the author of the blog means that only writers who can access the contents of your blog page, Option Only blog authors are also sometimes used when changing the template, so that your blog does not look chaotic when changing the template.
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How to blog : Guide to Blog on Blogspot

1. What is a Blog?

Blog is taken from "Web log" is one of the web application in the form of writings commonly referred to as a posting on a web page. The writings are often sorted from the newest and followed by a long time.

Initially, the blog was created as a personal records are stored online, but now the contents of a blog is very varied which contains tutorials (eg this blog), vent, businesses and others. In general, the blog is no different to the existing site on the internet.

Flatform blog or often referred to as a blog engine designed as such by the designer blog so easy to use. First, to create a web application requires a knowledge of HTML programming, PHP, CSS, etc., everything becomes easier with blogs as calling the numbers 1 2 3.

2. How to create a blog on blogspot

One of the free blog providers are quite popular today is the blogspot or blogger, which when mendaptar is through site but the domain name you will get is from the blogspot sub domain, eg:

Why make a blog on is not on any other blog site providers? Actually there is no necessity to create a blog on blogger, but there are many advantages of bloggers in the appeal to other blog providers. Some examples of excess blogspot than others is easy in operation making it suitable for beginners, more flexibility in changing and editing your blog template so that the view will be more fresh for his own creations, a custom domain or you can change the name of your blog with your own domain name eg converted into, while still using blogspot hosting and still remain free.

It should be emphasized from the beginning that the Internet is highly dynamic, so it may be in some future time the user create a blog on this blogspot will be slightly different from what you see on

To reduce the unnecessary things in writing, here's how to create a blogger at

3. Create Email

One of the requirements that must be met in a blog is that you have an email address that is still active or in use. If you do not have an email address, please register in advance at gmail because blogger is one of Google's services when signing into blogger then you should use a gmail email. If you do not understand how to create an email, please use the Google search engine to look for guidance.

Sign Up to Blogger

a. Please visit
b. Once the registration page is open, turn your attention to the upper right, change the language to Indonesia to be more easily understood. Please log in directly using your gmail username and password (you can e-mail account to log into blogger).

    blogger login
c. Click the button marked CREATE YOUR BLOG.

    create your blog
d. Fill in the name of the blog title and blog address is in want. Remember! in making the blog address must be really serious because it can not be permanently replaced again (unless later replace with a custom domain). If the desired address it can not be used, re-enter another address that is still available. If desired blog address is still available, please click on the arrow labeled CONTINUE.

    name, blogs
e. Please select the template that you like (this template will be changed again whenever you want), then click CONTINUE.

    select a template in blogger
f. There will be writing "Your Blog It's So!". Please continue by clicking the button START BLOGGING.

    start blogging
g. Once inside the post editor, please fill in anything (recommended to fill the post, usually if not outright posts will be netted robot blogger's anti-spam, and your blog will be in lock). Example: hello world. Click the Preview button to see a display that would later appear on the blog, click the Publish button ENTRY if the post you want published to the public.

    publish entries
    Click "View Entries" to see your blog. Here is a sample blog that you have made.

h. Done.

For the initial stage, your blog is finished and can be accessed anywhere. For a deeper discussion about how blogging with blogger, will be discussed at the next post.
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How To Setup IMAP For Gmail On Your iPhone

Saturday, July 16, 2011

If you haven't heard, Gmail is now becoming the number one e-mail client in the world.  The reason for this is simple, they provide their account holders with constantly increasing supply of storage space, and the e-mail interface is extremely simple and easy to use.  The Google e-mail service is just like the Google search engine, there aren't ads placed everywhere on your page, and you are able to find the information (or e-mails) that you want in a moments notice.  Thus, if you are constantly on the go, you want to be able to check your Gmail account wherever you are.

If you have an Apple iPhone, than you are probably wondering how you can integrate your Gmail account within the iPhone to make checking your e-mail as simple as glancing at your phone.

Google has just recently announced that you are able to add a protocol to your iPhone strictly for Gmail accounts.  This IMAP application allows Gmail account holders to check their e-mail on any offline e-mail readers, which is perfect for individuals who have an iPhone, and even for those that don't.  It is extremely simple to install and run the IMAP application on your iPhone, thus allowing you to seamlessly integrate your iPhone to your Gmail account.  The first step to beginning this process is to go to your Gmail account and enable IMAP.  You can do this by logging into your Gmail account and then going to Settings.  After that click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP, then click "Enable IMAP."

After you have done the above, grab your iPhone and tap Settings, then tap Mail.  After you have done so, make sure that you click Add Account.  After you have done so, do not click the Gmail option, because this has not been updated to the newest IMAP settings.  Instead, click Other.  Once you have done so, you will then begin to enter you information.  You will start off by entering your Name, and then you will put the Host Name, which is: after you have done this enter your full Gmail account address, which includes the at the end of your username.

You will then move to the Outgoing Mail Server, or SMTP.  Under the Host Name, you will want to put: then save all of your changes.  You have now just set up your IMAP Gmail account, thus allowing you to view all of your Gmail messages, both old and new.

Being able to check your e-mail wherever you are is extremely important in our fast paced society.  Whether you are a business professional who needs constant access to their e-mail account, or if you simply want to be able to check your e-mail while taking a break in school, you will be able to do so when you activate your IMAP service on your iPhone.  Communication is key in our world, and if you are unable to reply to e-mail messages quickly, than you may suffer the consequence, either professionally or socially.  With the iPhone, you are able to stay connected to the world around you, no matter where you are. Now you can Setup IMAP For Gmail On Your iPhone
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10 Tips to Prepare your CD for Duplication

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you ready to put together your perfect CD?  If so, make sure that you set everything up right.  Once you have something ready for CD duplication, there is no turning back to getting it printed exactly the way that you want to.  These tips will help to ensure that everything is set up the way that you want it to be. 

1.Does it sound right?  Make sure that all of your mixing and mastering for audio is complete.  That means that all of the songs should have the same volume of sound and should be even across the entire CD.  You don't want to get into the duplication area and have to turn up and down the volume for every track.

2.Always double check the details.  The combination of your CD data or music with the outward information, such as the table of contents, should always be in the same spot.  Always re-check before duplication to make sure that everything you have on each track is in the correct place. 

3.Graphics.  There is nothing that sells a CD more than graphics.  You want to make sure that everything is in the right place with the right formats, as well as the right colors.  Spending a lot of time to get the perfect look is important, for both the CD and for the package. 

4.Check your wording.  Inside and out, you should make sure that your wording is right. This means everything from giving credit where credit is due to putting the right tracks with the right songs in the right place.  Look at other CDs to see what the correct formatting is and how you can be as close to professional as possible.   

5.Copyright.  No matter what type of CD you are duplicating, make sure that you claim it as being yours.  Get your CD copyrighted and set up correctly before you try to distribute it anywhere. 

6.Pay attention to the formatting.  There are a lot of formatting options that are available for CD duplication.  You can have everything from a one page insert to a 10 page insert, as well as back areas for wording.  You want to make sure that you have the correct wording, as well as the correct placement in every area of the jacket. 

7.Visualize the package.  With the ability to package and replicate in different ways, are also options to create packages.  You can have more than just a jewel CD case and more than one shape to your CD.  Before you start duplicating, make sure that you know how you want your package to look. 

8.Know what you want to say.  With the idea of the package are several options for what goes inside your CD.  Do you just want to have a list of your songs, or do you want to give lyrics?  What type of information do you think is important?  Things that should always be included are the copyright, a list of those who helped to put together the CD and information on where to contact you.  Your wording will depend on how much duplication you want to do outside of the CD as well as what type of case you are getting for your CD. 

9.Do a test run.  Even if you are using a professional service, make sure that you test one or two copies of your CD before entering into hundreds of copies.  This will ensure that everything is in the right place, is worded correctly and does exactly what you want it to do. 

10.  Get outside opinions.  Other than those who are already working on the CD, make sure to check with some outside voices on how your CD looks and sounds.  The main part of your CD is selling a product.  You want to make sure that it is appealing, has the right information and turns out with high quality.  Getting other opinions on all of these areas can help you to understand if your CD is being manufactured the correct way. 

Like with every other area of putting together a CD, preparing for the duplication process is one that is just as important.  You want to make sure to pay attention to the details and ensure that you don't have to back track or re-print any of your CDs.  Preparing the correct way and knowing what you need in the beginning will allow you to save time and money when beginning the process of duplication.
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Basics About Burning Software

When getting into CD duplication, it would be much easier if all software and hardware options were created equally.  However, this is not the case for different applications and how they work with the process of burning CDs.  If you are ready to start duplicating on a larger level, you want to make sure that your computer software or hardware matches up with the information you are getting ready to burn. 

Before deciding on any type of software, it is important to make sure that you know which operating system that you are using and how the software will compliment it.  Typically, there are different types of software for Macs or for Windows PCs.  Within this category are different software options depending on the year of the PC as well as the operating system that is used within it.  For example, if you have Windows 98, you will need to find software that is compatible with this type of system. 

Once you know what type of system you need to have the software be compatible with, you can then look into the features that are best for the system.  For instance, many of the software options are now coming with packages so that you can  master, design and duplicate all in one area.  This is good if you are interested in making personalized designs.  Other software features will have these options, but will be divided into packages so that you will have more options available for space saving during the duplication process. 

This is not only divided by the specific duplication files that can be used, but also includes the ability to divide the preferences in software depending on what type of duplication machine that you have.  This format can be specific to silk screening, laser printing or other duplication machines.  The importance of this is defined in the ability to specify the colors used in the graphics, the printing capacities and the best way to put everything together. 

With these various options for your software, are also the capacities and characteristics that you want your software to carry, no matter what type of brand you choose to get.  The number one priority that is a part of this is ensuring that the software has the proper back up, so that you can store a large amount of media and keep data that is critical for longer periods of time.  This back up should not only be available for your hard drive, but should also allow you to store any type of media in any set network. 

After this, you will also want to specify what types of components you want within your one type of software.  For instance, some software now comes with combined abilities, such as duplication, extraction and mastering.  Others will allow you to format for different types of CDs or data, including everything from Flash presentations to music or audio.  Knowing what you will need in designing and preparing every type of CD can help you to find the right software for your needs. 

With the combined qualities and options of burning application software, you can then find the best possibilities in designing and defining every part of your CD.  The capabilities in the software is one that should carefully be looked into, especially when finding the best ways to place together the CD that you are envisioning.  
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Desktop twitter application for automatic tweets

Sunday, July 10, 2011

AutoTweeter is a java based twitter application developed to help you schedule your tweets.

Jot down the tweets that you want to be tweeted into a text file and schedule the time interval after which the tweets should go out. AutoTweeter tweets each line in the specified text file at intervals as set by you.

Being a java application, AutoTweeter should run on any platform. It needs JRE 1.6 (don’t worry, it would most probably be already installed in your pc). There’s no installation for AutoTweeter. You can start using it right after you download it to your PC.

You can start and stop the auto tweets through the context menu. The application is smart enough not to tweet an already tweeted line in a given file.

There are some nice ways in which you can put this application to use. Write different types of “Good Morning” messages for your twitter friends and schedule it to be tweeted everyday in the morning. You can even search for some inspirational quotes and schedule them!

Update: AutoTweeter has been completely revamped, especially the user interface. Users have more options now. The application now has a free as well as paid version.

Managing multiple twitter files has become dead simple with the new user interface. URL shortening has been introduced as well.

  • Set tweets to be tweeted at regular time intervals
  • Java based desktop application supports all types of OS
  • Needs JRE 1.6
  • Start and Stop auto tweets anytime you wish

AutoTweeter Says

Autotweeter is a freeware twitter client !! AutoTweeter has a foolproof configuration window,easy learning curve.And above all , platform independent.
  • AutoTweeter – Desktop application to schedule twitter tweets


      @kopimaniss Easy get you banner here

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